Tekirdag Raki Gold -35cl
Like Tekirdağ Rakısı, 100 % suma is used in its production. The suma used is carefully selected fresh grape suma.
The alcohol volume is 45 %. The percentage of aniseed essential oil is 1700-1800 mg/litre. The aniseed essence creates an appealing and soft harmony on the palate with the 45 % alcohol volume.
Another factor that distinguishes the Tekirdağ Rakısı Gold Series is the clear effect of the proportionate values of the mid-product, called ‘extinction in the cauldron’ and ‘the belly’ in the production process, on the final product. A further important characteristic of this limited edition rakı is the fact that it is rested for a month minimum in oak barrels following extinction. In the degustation we carried out, we saw the effect of these differences. We believe the consumer shall also perceive the difference. We suggest it be consumed by filling the glass up to more than half with rakı, adding water, and a single rock of ice.
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